The Role of Public Finance in Charter School Facility Projects

Who did you meet with today?

Today, my fellow interns and I had the pleasure of meeting John Kim, Managing Director of Stifel’s Charter School Practice Group. We also got the chance to meet and connect with Tina Lin, VP of Finance at PCSD, and with John’s team of banking interns: Kenji Swun, Rachel Fox, Austin Chan, Miguel Grillo, Edric Viazon, and Arias Najmabadi.

Where do they work? What does the company do?

Stifel has a few main aspects that they are known for including Corporate Finance, which helps companies invest their money wisely to grow; Public Finance, which helps raise capital for public agencies or nonprofits; Asset Management, which helps individuals reach their financial goals; and Commercial Banking, which is financial services to corporations such as accepting deposits and lending money. Stifel’s Public Financing team helps support various nonprofits such as PCSD to create new projects/operations like schools through grants, loans, and bonds.

What did you learn today? What were some highlights?

Getting to speak with John, I learned how much of a crucial role public financing plays in everything around us. Whether it is the schools we attend, the buses that provide us transportation, or the utility infrastructure that provides essential services to our communities. Public Finance does this by helping to raise capital for governments and nonprofits primarily through selling bonds which is essentially debt. Additionally, I was able to learn how the financial system is accessible to everyone but the cost may differ. Stifel helps nonprofits such as PCSD fund the facilities needed to create these incredible charter schools. Equally important, I found it interesting to hear John talk about the high level of importance that trust and communication play in Public Finance Investment Banking. Because without these skills, people will not feel secure enough to invest their money.

Furthermore, some highlights of our conversation with John were getting to hear about his background and how he worked under his father at a young age. There he learned how to communicate with all types of people to create a welcoming environment and how to take pride in his work/service, no matter how small. John also explained how soft skills are just as important as hard skills and that they may be even more important. Lastly, my fellow interns and I enjoyed getting the opportunity to talk one-on-one with each of the interns at Stifel.

What insights did you gain into the field of real estate development?

From our meeting with John, I gained several insights into how public finance is crucial for real estate development. I learned that public finance professionals, like those at Stifel, help raise capital for important community projects through bonds. These projects include things like building schools, roads, and utilities, which are essential for real estate development. For example, when a city issues bonds to build new schools or improve roads, it makes more people want to live there and attracts more businesses to invest in. This can increase the value of the area and encourage more development to occur. 

Did you become more interested in the field after today?

After our meeting today, I have grown much more interested in the financial aspects of real estate and public finance. Learning about how public finance directly supports and drives real estate projects has given me a new appreciation for the intricacies and opportunities within the industry. Understanding how bonds and other financial tools are used to fund essential infrastructure projects, like schools and roads, highlights the critical role of strategic financial planning in creating thriving communities. This knowledge has made me more eager to explore how financial strategies and public-private partnerships can shape and enhance real estate development.

Looking out at the beautiful view from the bullpen.
John Kim discussing public finance
Tina Lin talking about her experience at PCSD.

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