PCSD Hosts CIWI Interns for Fourth Year

For the fourth consecutive year, Pacific Charter School Development’s Northern California team proudly sponsored a group of interns through the Construction Industry Workforce Initiative (CIWI).

On July 25th, we welcomed ten talented CIWI interns, all currently enrolled in universities and colleges across California. These students are diving into various fields within the construction industry, from civil engineering to construction management, development, and architecture.

The day kicked off with introductions to our team and a site tour at each site with the general contractor (Overaa) at Education for Change’s Achieve Academy and BayTech in Oakland. The interns observed a project nearing completion of three years of work at Achieve Academy and an opportunity to experience the mid stages of renovation and transition of the 100 year old Palace Theater at BayTech.

During the visit, we provided an overview of the entitlement, funding, design, and construction process for each project, highlighting the challenges that come with them and how our teams tackle these obstacles effectively. The interns gained valuable insights into the paths that can lead to successful careers in the construction industry.

We’re excited to see how these future industry leaders will shape the world of construction and contribute to creating better educational environments. Here’s to many more years of fostering talent, building strong foundations, and partnering with CIWI!

Monte Wilson, CIWI Project Director, reflecting on the event, enthusiastically stated, “Touring the two PCSD sites in Fruitvale was incredible. Seeing the transformation at Achieve Academy, which we visited last year, was truly inspiring, and the BayTech site left us all in awe. But what stood out just as much was Mary Grace Houlihan’s emphasis on the wraparound resources for students and families that will be available on-site. Truly stellar work!”

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